4 Initiatives

Climate Action

We halt the expansion of dangerous fossil fuels projects, catalyze renewable energy, plan for local climate impacts, and innovate climate education for kids.

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10,000+ Whatcom residents signed our fossil fuel-related petitions since 2012. Stay up to date

74 million Tons CO2 per year: Washington state's greenhouse gas footprint. Take a stand

3 billion Tons of coal export halted. Learn more

At RE Sources we are fighting the climate crisis head-on. The protection of our region and planet demand no less.

The science is clear: To keep our planet below 1.5° C of warming and avoid the most severe impacts of climate change, we must reduce global carbon emissions by roughly half by 2030 and reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.* (Source: IPCC Global Warming of 1.5° C report)

What will this take? Bold action now at the local, national, and global levels that fast tracks:

  • A rapid transition away from fossil fuels and a just transition for energy workers,
  • Massive investments in renewable energy by the public and private sectors,
  • Protection for forest, soils, oceans, wetlands, and other carbon sinks,
  • Climate education and support for kids and teens to continue tackling the climate challenge in the coming decades.

RE Sources has a track record of building the public insistence required to stop dangerous fossil fuel projects. One such major victory was when Lummi Nation and our community blocked the would-be largest coal export terminal in North America in 2016.

RE Sources’ climate action focuses on four strategies:

  1. Block the expansion of new and dangerous fossil fuel projects in our region, including Cherry Point and beyond.
  2. Accelerate the transition to clean energy by mobilizing community members to push for ground-breaking policies and initiatives that reduce carbon pollution, and protect the health and safety of our communities.
  3. Prepare for local climate impacts here at home — rising seas, droughts and wildfires — by pressing local and regional decision-makers to develop comprehensive plans to withstand these threats.
  4. Expand our climate change education program and equip teachers with the tools and information they need to skillfully teach and discuss climate change with students.

Together, we can and must shift the course we’re on.

*1.5° C of warming refers to the average global temperature increase above pre-industrial levels. “Net-zero emissions” means that any remaining carbon emissions would need to be offset by removing CO2 from the atmosphere.

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