Recurring Meetings

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Regular meetings and public participation opportunities

RE Sources scientists and policy experts engage in a number of public advisory groups, and we invite you to join us in advocating for good policies that protect communities and natural resources.

Nooksack Watershed (WRIA 1) Environmental Caucus Meetings

Join an engaged group of local environmental advocates and organizations that are working to protect and restore the Nooksack River watershed (also known as Water Resource Inventory Area 1 or WRIA 1). We meet monthly on the third Monday at 3:00 p.m. on Zoom. All are welcome to join and participate so long as our group vision resonates with you: We envision a future Whatcom County where our community is unified in restoring and protecting a resilient ecosystem as our highest priority.

Questions? Want to join? Contact Kaia Hayes at

Whatcom Food Network forums

Forums are held twice yearly (Spring and Fall) to increase communication and collaboration across the food system, and to connect our richly diverse community organizations together to discuss important topics and strengthen our local food system. Learn more and contact Ander at for ways to engage beyond attending the forum.

City of Bellingham and Whatcom County Council meetings