Elementary Green Classrooms

In-classroom support and tools for adding conservation topics and outdoor learning into elementary curriculum.

Completed on December 31, 2020

Green Classrooms is a free program that gives elementary students and their teachers the opportunity to learn more about environmentally sustainable practices and how they can make simple, effective, and lasting changes in their own classrooms, schools, home and community. The program is based on the following principles:

  • The best learning takes place when students are active in the process,
  • Learning can be fun, and such enjoyment creates the best environment for understanding and retention,
  • Helping students see the relationship of concepts to their own lives brings clarity and commitment to ideas and principles,
  • Activities that simulate actual situations help students feel empowered to take action in their own lives,
  • Waste prevention, water conservation, and energy efficiency are simple concepts that can be understood by any age group — if it’s presented in ways that are appropriate to their level and learning styles.

Classrooms can pick three different categories as a focus. Each path starts with a workshop on one of the topics listed below. The class then makes a pledge, or a promise decided upon as a class to change one or more behaviors to conserve resources. The culminating project is participating in an inspiring action.

Each lesson is grade-level appropriate, aligns with Next Generation Science Standards, engages the students in memorable ways, gets them out of the classroom (if you choose), and encourages initiative in their own learning.

Register today or contact us at schools@re-sources.org for more info.


Please contact us at Schools@re-sources.org if you have further questions.

Waste Prevention: Students will learn about what it means to throw something “away”. Where does it go? And how can we reduce that amount?  Older students’ learning will focus on how consumerism plays a role in the health of our planet. Younger students will learn waste prevention primarily  through stories. All age groups will get the opportunity to participate in hands-on activities.

Water Conservation: Students will learn how and why our water supply is limited, and how to be careful with our potable water. After a review, or introduction to the Water Cycle, students in upper elementary will learn about seasonal water usage and flows, while K-2 will learn about the basics of Whatcom County’s water. All students will have the opportunity to take action to help preserve and protect this valuable resource. 

Energy Efficiency & Climate Change: Students will learn about the different sources of energy, renewable versus nonrenewable, and why it is important to conserve energy. In the lower elementary grade levels, the main focus will be on ways students can help save energy and reduce energy consumption. In the upper elementary classrooms, we’ll introduce and discuss concepts related to global warming and how it is affected by our energy usage.

Our programs are free. There is no charge for teachers, students or parents. Our work is funded by foundations, community partners, and generous donors so we can offer support to teachers and valuable opportunities to students for FREE. 

To make learning more effective, our workshops are designed to run for 50-60 minutes. We can adjust to meet teacher needs for scheduling.

Yes, students are asked to make a classroom sustainable behavior pledge after the workshop, then participate in an action project. Applying their learning to hands-on, student-led projects helps them integrate their learning and bring the lessons to life.

You sure can. Here are a few:

  • “The presenter was fabulous, had a great presence, and knew how to work with the kiddos! My students learned a bunch and we able to talk about it later using the key-chains and bracelets.”
  • “The lessons were developmentally appropriate and engaging. The kids really came to understand the vocabulary word, ‘conservation’. We have made a pledge and we plan to stick to it!”
  • “The students continue to carry the Food to Flowers bin to the school collection bins every morning as part of their routine. They are managing this by themselves with barely any reminders from me.”
  • “All the information was grade level appropriate and useful. It was good for the kids to hear the effects of littering, landfills and how we can help clean up our earth by recycling.”
  • “I liked how you brought in support from other community groups to help us plan and execute the actions. It’s good to align with a larger community.”
  • “Everyone took the pledge to heart. I like the way it fits in with our science standards.”

You can support this program in a variety of ways by volunteering with us, giving a gift, or helping to spread the word. Contact us at schools@re-sources.org for more info.

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