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Forage Fish & Community Science Efforts along the Elwha River (NSS Speaker series)

The Salish Sea supports local populations of many juvenile salmon and forage fish species (smaller fish like herring that salmon eat). Their population dynamics are poorly understood. The removal of two large dams on the adjacent Elwha River provided an opportunity to examine forage fish response to a localized habitat perturbation. Tune in on Tuesday, February […]

ClimeTime – Teaching Outside: Blaine (Cohort B)

Using the outdoors and teaching climate change. 2 STEM clock hours, receive $50 stipend upon implementation of an outdoor lesson! Calling all Whatcom County elementary teachers and staff serving grades K-5 looking to integrate the outdoors into everyday lessons: Gain skills to incorporate the outdoors and climate-related lessons with students. Our Teaching Outside workshops are designed to provide teachers […]

Climate Activist Meeting: February

RE Sources 2309 Meridian St, Bellingham, WA, United States

Thursday, February 23rd, 6–7pm at the RE Sources office (2309 Meridian St, Bellingham. Map here) Meet your neighbors who want to tackle our most pressing environmental issues locally. Learn how to use the power of your voice in public policy processes and more! This month, we're focusing on: protecting valuable local forests in the Brokedown Palace timber […]

Volunteer training: Help with community events and cleanups!

RE Sources 2309 Meridian St, Bellingham, WA, United States

If you love the work RE Sources does to protect Northwest Washington ecosystems and communities, try taking your support one step further! Join us for an official volunteer training at our office (2309 Meridian St, Bellingham) on Thursday, March 16th from 5:00pm - 6:00pm RSVP here Here are just a few things you can expect […]

Beach cleanup for World Water Day

I & J Waterway 1000 Hilton Ave, Bellingham, WA, United States

Wednesday, March 22nd from 10am–12pm at I & J Waterway (parking lot near 1000 Hilton Ave, Bellingham) RSVP (Helpful, not required) Grab a trash grabber and meet us at the beach! To combat plastic pollution in the Salish Sea, RE Sources hosts beach cleanups — as well as cleanups along rivers and lakes — throughout […]

ClimeTime – Teaching Outside: Nooksack Valley (Cohort C)

Using the outdoors and teaching climate change. 2 STEM clock hours, receive $50 stipend upon implementation of an outdoor lesson! Calling all Whatcom County elementary teachers and staff serving grades K-5 looking to integrate the outdoors into everyday lessons: Gain skills to incorporate the outdoors and climate-related lessons with students. Our Teaching Outside workshops are designed to provide teachers […]

Climate Activist Meeting: March

RE Sources 2309 Meridian St, Bellingham, WA, United States

Ever wondered what you can do to act on climate change in your local community? Join our monthly Climate Activist meetings! Whether you're new to climate activism, or a seasoned pro, this meeting is a space for everyone to get involved. RSVP here When: Thursday, March 23rd, 6-7pm Where: RE Sources office (2309 Meridian St, Bellingham. […]

ClimeTime – Hope and Resilience: Watersheds and Salmon Workshop

Bring climate hope and resilience into the classroom! 3 STEM clock hours, 1 Equity hour, $100 stipend and various teaching materials Calling all Whatcom County educators for grades 3 – 12 who want to connect real-world solutions to climate change: This field-based workshop focuses on equitable solutions currently being implemented in Whatcom County. The Teaching for the […]

ClimeTime – Teaching Outside: Ferndale (Cohort D)

Using the outdoors and teaching climate change. 2 STEM clock hours, receive $50 stipend upon implementation of an outdoor lesson! Calling all Whatcom County elementary teachers and staff serving grades K-5 looking to integrate the outdoors into everyday lessons: Gain skills to incorporate the outdoors and climate-related lessons with students. Our Teaching Outside workshops are designed to provide teachers […]

Earth Day Park Cleanup!

Maritime Heritage Park 500 W Holly St, Bellingham, United States

Earth Day is coming up and you want to make a difference. Grab a trash grabber and meet us at the beach!  To combat plastic pollution in the Salish Sea, we host beach cleanups — as well as cleanups along rivers and lakes — throughout Whatcom and Skagit counties, providing cleanup equipment and a place to […]

RE Store 30th Anniversary Party: Music, Food, and Fun for All!

The RE Store 2309 Meridian St, Bellingham

The RE Store is excited to host a free, all-ages party on Saturday, April 22nd from 3pm-8pm to celebrate 30 years of supporting local reuse in Bellingham. This outdoor event will feature live performances by The Legendary Chucklenuts and True Stars, as well as a beer garden, hot dog stand, Ragfinery’s Community Mending Booth, and […]