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Teacher professional development
Teacher Professional Development: Coho Conundrum Part 1 of 3
RE Sources 2309 Meridian St, Bellingham, WA, United StatesCalling all middle and upper elementary schools educators in Whatcom: Sign up for Coho Conundrum, a free, in-person three-part professional development series designed to help educators looking to bring real-world issues into their classrooms. Register for the series This series will focus on a local anchoring question: Why are Coho Salmon dying? Educators (playing the part of a […]
Teacher Professional Development: Coho Conundrum Part 2 of 3
RE Sources 2309 Meridian St, Bellingham, WA, United StatesCalling all middle and upper elementary schools educators in Whatcom: Earn 8 STEM clock hours at Coho Conundrum, a free three-part professional development series designed to help educators looking to bring real-world issues into their classrooms. Register for the series This series will focus on a local anchoring question: Why are Coho Salmon dying? Educators […]
Teacher Professional Development: Coho Conundrum Part 3 of 3
RE Sources 2309 Meridian St, Bellingham, WA, United StatesCalling all middle and upper elementary schools educators in Whatcom: Sign up for Coho Conundrum, a free, in-person three-part professional development series designed to help educators looking to bring real-world issues into their classrooms. Register for the series This series will focus on a local anchoring question: Why are Coho Salmon dying? Educators (playing the part of a […]
Teacher Professional Development: Tracking Energy — Seed to Table to Compost (Part 1 of 3)
Calling all 3rd through 8th grade educators in Whatcom County: Tracking Energy is a three-part professional development series designed to help educators understand food systems; growing, producing, processing and disposing of food. Learn to help students draw connections to climate change and food justice issues. Register by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, October 29th! Register for […]
Teacher Professional Development: Tracking Energy — Seed to Table to Compost (Part 2 of 3)
Calling all 3rd through 8th grade educators in Whatcom County: Tracking Energy is a three-part professional development series designed to help educators understand food systems; growing, producing, processing and disposing of food. Learn to help students draw connections to climate change and food justice issues. Register by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, October 29th! Register for […]