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[Registration closed] Washington Water Lobby Days
January 31, 2023 - February 2, 2023

Join us to advocate for laws that keep the Salish Sea clean and freshwater resources safe during the 2023 state legislative session! Together with others in your lawmaker’s district, you’ll have conversations with your Senator and Representatives urging them to support proposed bills to protect waterways. It’s easier than you might think, and our staff will be with you every step of the way.
Sign up and we’ll be in touch!
The word “lobbying” carries a lot of baggage. But really, lobbying is simply meeting with elected officials to have your voice heard. That’s why we think it’s time lobbying is put back into the hands of the people. At Washington Water Lobby Days (January 31st to February 2nd) we’ll help make it easier to talk to your elected officials about several key bills that could become law this year, as well as vital funding for existing programs.
Please sign up by January 26th. We’ll hold a training session the week before so you have the tools and confidence to lobby, details given when you sign up. We encourage anyone to join, whether it’s your first time talking to lawmakers or not! You won’t be lobbying all day, just during a short virtual meeting or two during Lobby Days (all out meetings with lawmakers will be virtual this year — no need to travel to Olympia).
—Reducing plastic pollution and improving recycling
—Ensuring streams have enough water for fish, people and farms
—Tracking the state budget to make sure water protection programs are funded
This event is organized by RE Sources, Center for Environmental Law & Policy (CELP), Deschutes Estuary Restoration Team (DERT), and Twin Harbors Waterkeeper.