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Annual Cherry Point Science Forum — Hear from Salish Sea scientists
January 13, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

At our annual Cherry Point Science Forum, we invite local researchers to talk about amazing research happening at Cherry Point in our backyard and the Salish Sea at large.
This year’s theme is Protecting our Aquatic Reserves. The Cherry Point Science Forum is free and open to the public. It will be held virtually via Zoom on Saturday, January 13th from 10am to 1pm.
Speakers and topics
- Monitoring on the Aquatic Reserves: A Seagrass Story. You’ll be introduced to the Puget SoundCorps program and dive into how and why we monitor seagrass on the Aquatic Reserves. See some preliminary data and an update on where we are in our official data analysis process. Presenter: Olivia Fletcher, Puget SoundCorps Assistant Supervisor.
Invasive green crab: Trapping efforts & importance of community science
- Whatcom County European Green Crab Status. A quick look at statewide European green crab trapping efforts and how the North Salish Sea fits into the bigger picture. You’ll also get a more detailed summary of trapping efforts in Whatcom County for the 2023 season. Presenter: Lindsey Parker, Regional European Green Crab Biologist at WA Department of Fish & Wildlife.
- Status update for the collaborative European green crab monitoring and removal program in Drayton Harbor. This talk will highlight two important aspects of green crab management in Drayton Harbor: how community involvement is integral to green crab management and the results of green crab trapping and removal efforts. Presenters: Allie Simpson, Ecosystem Project Coordinator, and Leah Skare, Ecosystem Project Specialist, both with the Northwest Straits Commission.
Cherry Point herring population decline
- Cherry Point herring: Using light traps to assess larval and juvenile presence in Birch Bay.As the Cherry Point herring population continues to decline, the cause remains unclear. Once the largest stock in Washington State, little is known about post-spawn survival and distribution. This study used light traps to assess larval and juvenile presence in Birch Bay, Washington. Presenter: Allison Brownlee, Aquatic Reserves Scientist, WA Department of Natural Resources Aquatic Reserves Program.
Located in Whatcom County, the Cherry Point Aquatic Reserve is one of eight Aquatic Reserves in the state. Established by DNR on state-owned aquatic lands in Puget Sound, Aquatic Reserves include important biodiversity and aquatic habitat critical to Salish Sea health.