5 ways you can take local action today

Making a real difference in your community can be overwhelming — but here are some tried and true tools that make it possible.
October 21, 2024

Time and time again, we see that our elections, votes, and most of all our voices matter. Elections involving millions are consistently decided by a handful of votes. And the more local the effort, the more impact one person can have.

When the issues feel too big, remember — action is a catalyst for hope! Here are five simple ways you can take action today:

  1. Contact a local decision-maker: The more we let our lawmakers know we care about climate change and the environment, the more likely they are to act. Sign up for RE Sources’ Action Alerts and we’ll make it easy for you! We’ll let you know when our local, regional or state lawmakers and officials are making decisions that could impact your life, your community, or the lands and waters you care about.
  2. Help keep our waterways clean: Scoop and properly dispose of pet waste, maintain your vehicle to reduce leaks, and bag your trash and don’t let it overflow. These simple tasks will help protect our waterways from everyday pollution. You can also call or text our Pollution Hotline Mon-Fri 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM at (360) 220-0556.
  3. Get more informed and involved: Educate yourself on local climate and environmental impacts, and discover what you’re passionate about. Find organizations that are doing the work and see how you can help. There are many ways to get involved locally: Beach clean ups, attending an event like Sustainability Social Hour, or joining a work party are great options. Bonus tip: Vote! Check your voter registration here. 
  4. Encourage others to take action: Forward emails, share fact-based blog posts and social media that you found impactful. Share our online Youth Action Center with young people in your life.
  5. Invest in local advocacy and watchdog groups: Every dollar makes a difference — maximize your support and give monthly to hold polluters accountable and help build sustainable long-term campaigns for environmental progress.