We Are All Connected: RE Sources’ 2024 Impact Report

See what you helped make possible in 2023, from new forest protections and pollution monitoring efforts to youth-led advocacy.
May 13, 2024

See the interactive report online

As our Co-Executive Director Ander Russell likes to say, “Everything is connected, everywhere, all the time.” Ander’s favorite motto is a great summary of why RE Sources does what it does — why we can’t say we’re just a “climate change organization” or “water pollution watchdog group” or a “youth education provider.”

Our mission and vision require that we tackle the immense environmental, societal, and governmental challenges in tandem. Forest protection is a climate and a water issue as mature forests can protect us from droughts, floods and wildfires — well beyond just protecting habitat for the wildlife we love. The RE Store’s operation salvaging usable building materials reduces waste and construction emissions — but it also helps instill reuse and thoughtful consumption as values in our community.

This spirit of interconnectedness is what drives us. You may follow RE Sources’ work on a particular issue that’s close to your heart, and you might not know about all the ways our staff, volunteers and wonderful supporters protect Northwest Washington’s people and ecosystems. To that end, we encourage you to look through our 2024 Impact Report and see what you made possible last year.

Online report (Story Map version)

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