How to make a difference in Washington’s legislative session

60 days to make an impact on our community
January 10, 2022

Get legislative action updates

As we wrap up the first week of the new year, we want to know, how are those resolutions going? If “help the environment and my community” was on your list but you weren’t sure how to get started, we’ve got some good news.

The Washington State legislative session kicks off on Monday, January 10th and runs for 60 days. That’s a very short session compared to years prior, which means we have to pack A LOT into a very short time period. Which is why every Friday during the legislative session, RE Sources will send out a quick email update to those who sign up focused on simple actions you can take to ensure urgent policies make it across the legislative finish line. With bills focused on everything from accelerating a clean energy transition to protecting salmon and the Salish Sea, your input will make all the difference. Getting involved with this work is hugely impactful: state laws can improve your community while setting examples for more states to follow.

What will these actions look like? Sometimes we might need your support sending a letter to your lawmakers, submitting a comment on a bill proposal, or attending virtual hearings. Every week looks a little different. That’s why we send out this extra email every Friday for those who sign up, making it a little easier to keep track of ways to have impact.

Clean & Abundant Water Lobby Week: Jan. 31st–Feb. 4th

Join us for Clean & Abundant Water Lobby Week from January 31st to February 4th, 2022!

Your voice makes a HUGE difference and your lawmakers want to hear from you. But sometimes it can be tough to navigate the civic process. Our lobby week makes it easy to talk with your elected officials and connect with others looking to make a difference.

We’ll be in touch soon with details for a training session just ahead of Lobby Week where we’ll provide you with the tools and confidence to lobby. So make sure to sign up! We encourage anyone to join, whether you’re a seasoned lobbyist or reaching out to your lawmakers for the first time. We’ll be right beside you every step of the way. Learn more about the bills you can support during Lobby Week.

This year, we’re focused on key bills like the Lorraine Loomis Act for Salmon Recovery campaign (habitat protection and restoration to increase salmon populations) and the RENEW Act (reducing waste and creating producer responsibility). With your help, we could see these bills passed into laws.

Attend Lobby Week!

Also, keep your eyes peeled on our website for our bill tracker launching next week! We’ll include the easy-to-use bill tracker in each email, as well as on this blog and Twitter and Instagram.

Signing up for the legislative action team is a great opportunity to get involved in the policies that will shape Washington’s future. And it’s an extra great way to start those resolutions off on the right foot!