Let’s fund transportation in Bellingham

Renew the Bellingham Transportation Fund: Vote YES on Prop 2020-14 to support timely, cost-effective transportation improvements across the city. | August 20, 2020

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Credit: Neighbors for Bellingham Transportation Fund

For 10 years, the Bellingham Transportation Fund has provided affordable and effective transportation solutions citywide. Now, more than ever, it’s essential to fund crucial transportation projects – for the economy, for our community, for all of us.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are we voting on?
  • Renewal of the Bellingham Transportation Fund within city limits for a 10-year period dedicated to funding transportation infrastructure within Bellingham city limits.
  • The renewal for the Bellingham Transportation Fund maintains the same rate and community investment. All revenue collected stays here in Bellingham, funding local jobs and improving our neighborhoods
Where do the funds come from?

Revenue is collected at the rate of $.002 (.2%) of the current sales tax from purchases made by residents and visitors within the city limits.

What were the transportation investments 2011-2020?
  • Equity: walking, rolling, and biking projects
    • Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plans criteria for locations include:
      • Low-income, transit-dependency, and affordable housing
      • 70% of pedestrian and bikeway projects were built in low- to- moderate income neighborhoods
  • 46 miles of repaved arterial streets
  • Transit service and support
    • Sunday service was restored (WTA funded all service hours beginning in 2016)
    • Funded safe access to transit and reliable service through capital projects:
      • Bus pullouts
      • Signal priority lights
      • Coordinated pedestrian crossing signals with bus stops
  • 72 pedestrian projects
    • Americans with Disabilities (ADA) curb ramps
    • Crosswalks and flashing crosswalk signals
    • Sidewalks
    • Curb extensions
  • 111 bikeway projects
    • Marked bike lanes, separated bike lanes, and an off-street cycle track o Intersection crossing improvements
    • Neighborhood bike boulevards
  • Cost-effective improvements
    • Local matching funds leveraged $4.3 million in competitive state & federal grants such as the Safe Routes to School program
    • Resurfacing of streets combined ADA, transit, bicycle & pedestrian improvements whenever possible
    • Resurfacing prevented expensive replacement of streets

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If renewed, what is planned for 2021-2030?
  • STREET REPAVING. To ensure safety, comfort, and to prevent more costly repair, the Transportation Fund provides funds for resurfacing projects, that also include curb ramps, sidewalks, bikeways, and curb extensions.
  • NON-MOTORIZED TRANSPORTATION. The Transportation Fund will fund additional sidewalk connections, crosswalks, flashing signals, bikeways, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) upgrades. Investing in our multimodal transportation network keeps Bellingham an accessible city for all residents.
  • PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION & CLIMATE ACTION. The City administers the Transportation Fund that includes on-the ground projects to improve safe accessibility to bus stops and reliability for WTA bus service within Bellingham. The Fund will also support transportation projects from the Climate Action Plan.

Together, these investments are crucial for the health of the environment, our economy, and equitable mobility across Bellingham.

How can I find out more?
How can I help?

In addition to organizational and individual endorsements, we can always use volunteers and donors! If you’re interested in volunteering, please drop us an email at Info@BellinghamTransportationFund.org. You can also donate online at BellinghamTransportationFund.org.