Local opportunities and activities (Part 2)

Have fun with your summer with these project ideas. Learn more about the world around you and expand your creative horizons! |
June 17, 2020

More summer fun

While this summer will look and feel like no other we have experienced in our lifetime, there are still plenty of local opportunities and activities to engage in during the upcoming months for students and families alike.

Bookmark this page to re-visit when boredom strikes, we will continue posting here throughout the summer. Enjoy summer!

  • Make pressed flower place mats.
  • Make a flower out of an aluminum can for the garden or plant.
  • Try these recipes from Common Threads Farm.
  • Find a tree that is the same height as you.
    • Name 3 things you notice about the tree.
    • Does it have leaves or needles? Do you think the tree loses the needles or leaves in winter?
    • What shape are the leaves? OR What do you notice about the needles–are they sharp? Are they all the same length?
  • Make a solar oven to learn about this renewable energy source.
  • Recycling piling up? Do something creative with it! Create a ball run or marble maze.  Maybe this video will inspire you!
  • Take a walk along a trail and try these things:
    • Can you hear your footsteps? Can you walk so quietly that no one can hear your footsteps?
    • Do you hear any birds?
    • Find a white flower. Find a yellow flower.
    • Is there a creek, pond, or lake nearby? What do you notice about the water?
    • What does the air smell like?
    • Do you see any berries on any bushes?
    • Do you see any animals?
  • Pick your favorite berry at a local farm.

Keep learning!

There are lots of topics for you to choose from to keep the learning going, your mind sharp, and your summer fun!

Take the next lesson