What We Do

We mobilize people to protect the water, land, and climate we all depend on. You're part of this world change.

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10,000+ Residents took action for safer, healthier communities. Get involved

500 Volunteers. Sign up to volunteer

3,910,000 Pounds of material kept out of the landfill in 2018. Donate used building materials

What we do

RE Sources protects the people, creatures, and wild places of the Salish Sea region.

photo by Buff Black

We lead and inspire Northwest Washington communities to be powerful advocates. Together, we:

  • Advocate for science-based policies that spur climate action, protect the region’s lands and waters and foster equitable, climate-resilient communities. This involves leading on some policies and advocating in solidarity with allies on others.
  • Educate people of all ages to contribute to their community, environment and the world in positive ways, with an emphasis on catalyzing the next generation of environmental advocates and leaders.
  • Engage our region’s communities by providing the tools and opportunities for people to make their voices heard and restore local lands and waters. Local communities play an active role in amplifying and strengthening our advocacy efforts.
  • Innovate new approaches and replicable solutions to the region’s most pressing challenges. We serve as an incubator for creative, community-driven programs and services, spanning advocacy, education, material reuse and community jobs training.
  • Communicate about local and regional developments while weaving together broader environmental, societal, political and cultural contexts. By telling the stories of how the health of our communities and ecosystems are intertwined, we provide the requisite information and awareness for action.
  • Monitor public decision-making processes and assess emerging threats and opportunities.

How we do it

We understand what it takes to shift society’s norms, leaders’ priorities, and imbalances of power. That’s why we give people practical ways to make a real difference, regardless of experience levels. We make it our job to understand the complex public processes and policies that govern how our communities operate, and we distill it into information you can act on. Making this knowledge accessible is key to putting power where it belongs — in the hands of the people.

Together, people create movements and can achieve insurmountable goals. Our focus is to harness that people power. Our deep roots and broad connections in our region allow us to inspire and mobilize history-making numbers of people to protect the beauty and bounty of Northwest Washington.

A group of teachers outside in front of a school. One is leading a workshop

RE Sources creates lasting impact through:

  • Creating collaborations and strengthening coalitions,
  • Informing and mobilizing our communities,
  • Employing science and expertise,
  • Engaging elected officials (learn more about what RE Sources can and can’t engage in as a nonprofit organization),
  • Utilizing our environmental laws and regulations to protect our natural resources, ecosystems, and communities’ health and safety.

Our key priorities

Oil train on a railway
Combat climate change

Combat climate change and ocean acidification by exposing connections to its causes and consequences in our service area and create the public insistence necessary to make substantive changes here and at the state, national and global levels.

Orange sea star on a rock overlooking rocky tidal zone at Cherry Point Aquatic Reserve
Protect the Salish Sea and the rivers and streams that feed into it

Improve and protect the natural functions of marine, nearshore, freshwater and riparian ecosystems.

Orca hopping out of water
Reduce pollution and toxics

Reduce the amount of pollution entering the land, air and waters of Northwest Washington. Encourage sustainable food production and a clean, plentiful water supply. Safeguard the health of human-managed ecosystems that support locally-grown food, locally-harvested seafood, and clean, plentiful drinking water.

Educate for change

Educate all ages to understand the problems and solutions necessary to protect our environment and create a sustainable community. With a focus on individual behavior and collective action, we give children and adults the information and tools to make positive changes for our community and their lives.

Greenhouse from Manufacturing Waste
End waste

Make it easy for people to reduce, reuse, and recycle. RE Sources promotes resourcefulness,  frugality, and mindful consumption. We create practical solutions to reduce the creation and disposal of waste.

stock photo of a person speaking at a meeting

RE Sources activates people-power by providing tools, training, information, and direction to our community. We help create the public insistence necessary to influence both public and private decision-makers and leaders to execute smart policy that meets our community vision.

Watchdog for threats

Stand ready to take action on issues that threaten our community or that advance its sustainability. RE Sources stands ready to respond to unforeseen threats to our community, or opportunities to advance its sustainability, through action, advocacy and education.